The New ERP Trends in 2024
1 December 2023
Kolymbari SA Case Study
28 December 2023Read how the Medical Association of Thessaloniki saved 227 working days in just 3 years.
Medical Association of Thessaloniki
From May 2021 the Medical Association of Thessaloniki has put into operation the new Portal for the service of members and citizens. With a tradition of early adoption of new technologies and with the sole aim of providing quality services to its members, it enhances their transactional experience. Recipients of the services are not only the regular members of TMA. With the identification service of legally licensed clinics, the Association makes an offer to society as a whole, protecting citizens from irregular structures that operate without a license. All citizens can access this service using a browser. At the same time, the promotion of legitimate medical practices is achieved, since they get free promotion of their data on the most authoritative online destination. portal.isth.gr is accessible from any computer, tablet or smartphone.
The challenge
The services of the TMA were supported by information systems operating in physical infrastructure (on premise) with traditional technologies that made it difficult to adapt to changes and modernisation. Regulations (e.g. GDPR) and interoperability needs (interconnection with the Panhellenic Medical Association) made it more difficult for the association to operate with the existing procedures. To meet these challenges, the procedures of the TMA had to be redesigned, while respecting the requirement for increased security and flexibility for quick adaptation. The framework for these changes had to include the replacement of traditional infrastructure and software by modern systems that have the potential for scalability and further development.
The solution
For the needs of the Portal, we used cutting-edge technologies globally recognized in reliability and security. Concepts such as cloud infrastructure in Azure and Web Services interface with an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system may not be widely recognized. But Microsoft and Softone, the companies behind these technologies, guarantee the quality objectives that were set from the beginning by the TMA. Microsoft Azure is one of the most secure cloud options and also compliant with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Soft1 ERP of the SOFTONE group, one of the largest technology groups in Greece with a presence throughout Southeastern Europe, was chosen for the need of computerization. With respect to the personal and professional data of all members, a transition has been made to full hosting of individual data, the files that have been submitted, and the history of transactions, in Microsoft’s Azure Cloud.
The home page of the site is structured to directly serve all visitors, whatever their status. A central place has been given to the search for doctors by citizens. The search is based on specific criteria, such as specialty and current location (location-based services). In addition, by using an artificial intelligence mechanism, it is possible to search by keywords. The results that meet the criteria are displayed on Google maps, and there is also the option to get directions to the selected clinic.
Any public service or private entity that has received certificates issued by the Association for its members can easily check their validity by scanning the unique QR code on each certificate.
All active members of the Association have received an electronic invitation to create an account that gives access to the services of the TMA application. Users can authenticate their identity and then use the online services.
Η πρώτη από τις υπηρεσίες που είναι διαθέσιμες στους ιατρούς είναι η έκδοση πιστοποιητικών και βεβαιώσεων . Each member can add the recipient of the document and receive the final document in pdf format. The certificates and attestations issued by the online application are asynchronously linked to the Association’s Protocol and accessible by the employees of the TMA. In addition, members have obtained access to the full history of certificates issued in their name, with the possibility of re-downloading them. They can view and check all the records they have delivered to the Association, such as the Diploma or Qualification.
One of the most important and demanding implementations integrated in the Portal, is the possibility of electronic payment. Doctors view their outstanding subscriptions, select which ones they want to settle and then they are transferred to the secure environment of Piraeus Bank to complete their transaction. Once the process is complete, the Physician tab is automatically updated in the IFS computer system.
A new service to the members of the Association is the possibility of creating a personal website through the portal, which can be visible everywhere. The website is easily created and configured by the doctor himself, without requiring any special technical knowledge. The creation and hosting are provided free of charge to all members of TMA.
The latest service added is the online voting system. Now, members of the Association have the opportunity to easily and completely anonymously express their opinions on important issues of concern to the Association.
The results
After three years of operation of the new TMA portal, the data resulting from its use are particularly encouraging for the full transition of the association to the digital era. More than 4500 members (i.e. more than 70% of all members) have been certified on the platform and thousands of certificates are issued electronically, greatly simplifying the process. Paying debts electronically has significantly reduced the time required, allowing doctors to concentrate on their very important work.
Now 1 in 4 certificates are issued digitally and 1 in 5 payments are made through online clearing. Issuing a certificate and paying at a physical location takes an average of 15 minutes. With this in mind:
1,416 certificates were automatically issued through the application, which would have taken 355 hours and 44 days of work to issue in the traditional way, which were saved by using the application.
237 payments were made electronically, corresponding to 59 hours and 7 working days.
Similarly, in 2022, the TMA saved 52 working days by issuing 1,655 certificates electronically.
1,362 debts were paid electronically, corresponding to 43 working days.
So far this year, 1,419 certificates have been issued electronically, representing 44 working days saved, while online payments have reached 1,044, equivalent to 33 working days.
In total, and with 153 certificates issued in 2020, 4,640 certificates have been issued through the application and 2,641 debts have been paid, saving 227 working days for the Medical Association in just three years. At the same time, each doctor has saved 2 working days a year from commuting to issue certificates and make payments.
If you are interested in optimizing your procedures and saving valuable time like the Medical Association of Thessaloniki, contact us.