Funding – Grants
Funding under the “Digital Step” action
The enterprise ZACHARIADIS A DANIS P OE based in Central Macedonia region, has joined the Action “Digital Step” with a total budget of 84 million €. The Action aims at the digital upgrading of very small, small and medium – sized enterprises.
The investment’s total budget is 35.050,00 € out of which 17.525,00 € is public expenditure. The Action is co-financed by Greece and the European Union – European Regional Development Fund.
The approved subsidised Business Plan includes investments in the following categories:
- Procurement and installation of ICT equipment
- Software for office applications, web development, e-shop services etc.
- Digital services (Digital advertising, e –security certifications, data entry and transfer etc.)
- Wage costs for new personnel
Through the participation in the Action, the enterprise achieved:
- Competitiveness improvement
- Increase of profitability
- Reinforcement of an extrovert business profile
- Enhancement of entrepreneurship
- Creation /maintenance of high quality job positions
The support of EPAnEK proved beneficial, not only for the enterprise but also for the competitiveness of the national as well as the local economy.
Funding under the Research – Innovate – Create programme
The company Zachariadis A – Danis P OE based in the region of Central Macedonia joined the action “Research – Create – Innovate”. The aim of the action is to link research and innovation with entrepreneurship and to strengthen the competitiveness, productivity and extroversion of enterprises towards international markets, with the aim of transitioning to quality innovative entrepreneurship and increasing domestic added value. This action aims to channel available resources directly and efficiently to promote research activities and the application of innovations in enterprises, in particular SMEs, through a series of interventions.
Through the participation in the Action, the enterprise achieved:
✓ improving the competitiveness of the
✓ enhancement of extroversion
✓ market expansion by adding new products & services
✓ επέκταση της αγοράς με την προσθήκη νέων προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών
✓ expanding the market by adding new products and services
With the contribution of EPANEK, the company, which operates in a key sector of the Greek economy, has been strengthened, bringing benefits to the country’s competitiveness as well as to the local economy and the market in which it is located.
Η επιχείρηση Ζαχαριάδης Α – Δάνης Π ΟΕ συμμετεχεί στον 1ο κύκλο της δράσης σε τρία έργα:The company Zachariadis A – Danis P OE participates in the 1st cycle of the action in three projects:
Application of ground-based optical and acoustic sensors and use of information technology for the monitoring of fauna and human activities in protected areas in Greece
Within the framework of the “Research-Create-Innovate” (EPANEK – NSRF) Action, a partnership of institutions and companies including the Forest Research Institute of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization Demetra (IDE – ELGO), the Zoology Department of the Biology Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, the environmental studies company SYSTADA O. E. and the computer company VERUS+, had undertaken the creation of a system for recording and monitoring endangered mammal species and human activities in protected areas (PAs) in Greece as a means of supporting decisions and guidelines for policy makers and end users for nature protection.
The Rodopi mountain range was selected as the study area for the pilot implementation of the project’s actions because it is one of the most biodiversity-rich Greek forest ecosystems, has seven Natura 2000 network sites and has been designated as a National Park since 2009. The area supports populations of all large carnivorous and herbivorous species living in Greece. The project used large mammals (bear, lynx, wolf, bobcat, red deer and roe deer) as a target group to use and leverage cutting-edge technologies to monitor them in a FP. Large mammals are seen as umbrella species for maintaining ecosystem function in forests and protecting biodiversity.
The project used ground-based optical sensors (light traps) and acoustic sensors. Innovative applications for smart phones and tablets based on cloud infrastructure (mobile apps-cloud computing) have also been developed that allow the collection, storage, and evaluation of data collected within the FP during patrols of FP management guards, forest guards, field work of scientists, etc.
The total budget of the investment is 599.929,50 € of which the public expenditure amounts to 553.089,50 € and is co-financed by Greece and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union. The investment for the company Zachariadis A – Danis P OE had a total budget of 75.200 € of which the public expenditure amounts to 59.760,00 €
Development of a 4D tour application in the history of the landscape
In the framework of the Action “Research-Create-Innovate” (EPANEK – NSRF), a partnership of institutions and companies that includes the National Centre for Research and Technological Development – Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (EKETA – ITPEL), 3 laboratories from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Department of Folklore and Social Anthropology of the Faculty of History and Social Anthropology of the Department of History and Social Anthropology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). Laboratory of History and Archaeology, Laboratory of Forest Botany – Geobotany of the Department of History and Archaeology, Laboratory of Forest Botany – Geobotany of the Department of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of the Department of Forestry, Laboratory of Forest Botany and Geobotany of the Department of Forestry. The company of environmental studies “SYSTADA” O.E. and the computer company VERUS+, has undertaken the creation of an innovative for the Greek and international standards 4D application for the tour in the history of the landscape.
The application incorporates the results of a broad and interdisciplinary research on the environmental and social history of a specific landscape and represents this history through cutting-edge technologies such as 3D reconstruction and augmented and virtual reality. Through the app, users can travel through time, viewing the same landscape at different moments in the past, but also testing alternative scenarios for its course in time or projection into the future. The application is available on site to visitors of the area (via their mobile devices), significantly increasing the experience and knowledge gained from their visit, but also online to potential visitors, contributing to the promotion of the area. It can also be used in Environmental Education activities (e.g. on the effects of climate change)
The total budget of the investment is 676.016,14€ of which the public expenditure amounts to 608.346,14€ and is co-financed by Greece and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union. The investment for the company Zachariadis A – Danis P OE had a total budget of 99.500,00€ of which the public expenditure amounts to 77.650,00€.
Promotion of local traditional varieties and native fruit trees and shrubs
In the framework of the “Research-Create-Innovate” (EPANEK – NSRF) action, a broad partnership of scientific, academic and private entities (consisting of the Institute of Genetic Improvement and Plant Genetic Resources – ELGO DIMTRA, the Department of Agriculture of the University of Ioannina, the environmental studies company “Synstada O. E. Vitsios and the IT company Verus+ O.E.), have undertaken the project “Promotion of local traditional varieties and native fruit trees and shrubs” – EcoVariety. The project, which is funded by a total of 85% by the above-mentioned programme and 15% by the participating companies, concerns the collection, identification, conservation, evaluation and pilot exploitation of native fruit bushes and local traditional varieties of fruit trees.
The need for the preservation and exploitation of local, traditional varieties is emphasized both by the “National RTD Strategy for Smart Specialization 2014-2020” (ESETAKEE) and by the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. However, so far only a small number of fruit tree species and varieties have been recorded and evaluated in relation to the richness of the different regions of the country.
A local variety is defined as a dynamic population that has a historical origin, distinct identity and lacks scientific improvement intervention. A local variety is often also genetically diverse, has local adaptability and is associated with traditional farming systems. This project focuses on varieties adapted to mountain and semi-mountainous environments in Northern Greece, namely apple (Malus domestica), pear (Pyrus communis), cherry (Prunus avium), plum (Prunus domestica), quince (Cydonia oblonga), fig (Ficus carica), pomegranate (Punica granatum), etc.
Regarding the native plants of the Greek flora, the project focuses on native species of fruit-bearing shrubs and small trees that occur mainly in forest and grassland ecosystems, such as Raspberry (Rubus ideaus), Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), Wild Rose (Rosa canina), Koufo wood (Sambucus nigra), Skullcap (Cornus mas), Amelanchier sp. ) and Pomegranate (Rhus coriaria). Despite their known nutritional and commercial value, very little of the relevant research has currently been directed at native fruiting species.
The total budget of the investment is 561.129,03€ of which the public expenditure amounts to 475.409,03€ and is co-financed by Greece and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union. The investment for the company Zachariadis A – Danis P OE had a total budget of 30.000,00€ of which the public expenditure amounts to 22.000,00€.